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Tytuł pozycji:

Analiza sposobów zmniejszenia zagrożenia dzieci w ruchu drogowym w Polsce i na świecie

Analiza sposobów zmniejszenia zagrożenia dzieci w ruchu drogowym w Polsce i na świecie
Analysis of ways to reduce risk of children in road traffic in Poland and the world
Goniewicz, Mariusz
Witt, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
wypadki drogowe
road accidents
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna; 2011, 7, 1; 72-77
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Every year around the world there are about 75 million injured people and more than 20 million victims killed or sustained injured. Many of the threats also reaches the children. Road traffic accidents and falls from height are the cause of over 80% of serious injuries in children. However, injuries resulting from road accidents are the leading cause of death in children, more common than cancer and birth defects. In Poland, in the years 1995‑2009 there have been about 113,959 road accidents involving children in age of 0‑14 years. In this event, 3791 children died and 117,730 were injured. Most fatalities were recorded among children aged 7‑14 years. The paper presents ways to reduce the risk of children in traffic. Attention was paid to various technical improvements could improve the safety of children. It highlighted the important role of parents and children tutors in education on road safety. It was found that injury prevention should be a systematic and organized action. This should include both the elimination of threats and actions to reduce risk and improve care and hospital management. Children of all ages should be subject to intensive educational activities related to road safety. The most important is the continuity of teaching and educational process in this area, ranging from preschool through elementary school and middle school. Taking up issues of injury to children is justified and necessary to improve outcomes, minimize negative consequences of injuries and reduce their social costs.

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