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Tytuł pozycji:

Leksyka wartościująca w obrazie człowieka złego w Psałterzu Dawidowym Mikołaja Reja

Leksyka wartościująca w obrazie człowieka złego w Psałterzu Dawidowym Mikołaja Reja
Evaluative vocabulary on image of an evil man in "David’s Psalter" by Mikołaj Rej
Kowalska, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Mikołaj Rej
"David’s Psalter"
evaluative vocabulary
an image of an evil man
Psałterz Dawidowy
leksyka wartościująca
obraz człowieka złego
Studia Językoznawcze; 2015, 14; 269-283
CC BY-SA: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The article deals with evaluative vocabulary in the religious language in 16th century.The analysis focuses on the evaluative lexicon used by Rej to form an image of anevil man in David’s Psalter. The paraphrase used by Rej is rich with varied evaluativeexpressions in respect of the evil man, mainly adjectival elements. It is clearly visiblewhen compared to earlier medieval translations based on the verbal method of translatingwhich follow the Latin linguistic model which is not diverse. What attracts attention is notonly a big number of forms, but also the autonomy of the author’s lexical choices whichtestifies to the author’s free creation of a stereotypical idea of an evil man, to breakingwith the Latin shape of Wulgata and to a search of one’s own way of the art of translation.A tendency to avoid repetitions and to care for the synonymic diversity of the epithets haspaved a way in David’s Psalter for rare lexemes unknown to the literary language and formorphological doubles and lexemes formed with the use of rare formants. The materialanalysed has shown Rej as an artist who creates the text of his translation without anyrestraints and who applies synonymy as an important tool used to shade the meaning.

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