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Institutional factors creating labor market in Poland: the case of social capital

Institutional factors creating labor market in Poland: the case of social capital
Grabowska-Powaga, Aleksandra
Kamińska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
labor market
social capital
Catallaxy; 2021, 6, 1; 7-17
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Motivation: Labor market in Poland has been affected by many institutional factors. One of them is social capital, which can be an advantage for its development It influences the ability among the market entities to cooperate with each other and to create their competitiveness on the market. The lack of social capital causes many disadvantages like the lack of ability to cooperate between different actors. That is why strong social capital is a challenge to build long term relations on the labor market. Low social capital or its lack is a barrier in country?s development, weakens the markets, makes the markets impossible to improve in quality. On the basis of the above premises the main hypothesis of the paper claims, that the main barrier which limits the ability among different actors to create social capital on labor market in Poland is low level of trust to each other. Aim: The main cognitive aim of this article is to describe the conducted primary research and identify determinants, especially threats and barriers on labor market in Poland in the points of views of different participants who take part in interactions with the other actors on the labor market (entrepreneurs, employees, employers). Materials and methods: The research had a character of preliminary study. The main research methods used in this article include desk research and primary research with Individual In-Depth Interviews (IDI method) which were conducted among Polish entrepreneurs from March till June 2018 and from October till January 2019. Results: The Respondents, who took part in the research underlined the importance of cooperation and social capital, but they also mentioned about barriers which reduce the level of cooperation and ability to create social capital.

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