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Tytuł pozycji:

Ocena jakości zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy na stanowisku operator sprzętu - wysypiskowy na składowisku odpadów komunalnych ZGO – 1R

Ocena jakości zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy na stanowisku operator sprzętu - wysypiskowy na składowisku odpadów komunalnych ZGO – 1R
Evaluation of quality management of health and safety in workplace "Operator of Equipment – Landfill Worker" at the municipal waste landfill ZGO – 1R
Korban, Z.
Profaska, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem
składowisko odpadów komunalnych
operator sprzętu
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2012, Tom 14; 683-694
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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In the Polish enterprises to mid-90s of the twentieth century the issue of work safety was based mainly on retrospective analysis of safety (the study of the causes and circumstances of past accidents). During that period, together with structural change and economic development there are new concepts, among which the next to quality management and environmental management should also mention management of work safety. The term "health and safety management system" (HSMS) should be treated as simplify of thinking, which relates to organizational performance and decision making processes undertaken within the functions of management. The essence of philosophy HSMS best describes the statement of its creator D. Paterson, saying that "hazardous activities, hazardous conditions and accidents, are events which are a manifestation of interference in the management system". About the needed to implement the principles of health and safety management system (HSMS) show both the limited effectiveness of existing methods of security analysis (these methods are mainly based on grouping and balancing the number of accidents and the assessment retrospective models and their causes and circumstances), and the reasons: the nature law (the need to adapt legal solution of the country to the requirements in force in EU member states), the nature of organizational (need for the use and processing of information resources on the state of existing hazards and exposures), an economic nature (the problem of relations with the insurance premiums threat risk categories) and social (lack of social acceptance for work in conditions that threaten life and health of the employee.). In Poland, in accordance with the applicable regulations for the employer to ensure safe and healthy working conditions. Currently technical measures to improve the quality of health and safety have reached a satisfactory level so that possibilities of improving the security situation is increasingly placed in the attitudes and behaviors of people in the work process. Therefore, the next study the causes and circumstances of past accidents, are taken the activities of a preventive nature aimed at exploring the potential threats. These objectives can be realized, among others by audit testing research of health and safety management system (in the whole work establishment or separate elements in its structure), and professional risk management procedures (analysis and risk assessment). In this article discusses the procedures involved in testing the quality of health and safety management work on the example of one of the positions (the operator of equipment - landfill) located at municipal waste dumping ground in the northwestern part of Silesia. In the study of audit testing of the health and safety management system was used a MERIT questionnaire (which includes 9 problem areas) and within risk assessment a method of PN-N18002:2000 and the method of the Silesian University. In the case of audit testing the areas that are highest rated was Area B - "A a study the accidents", C - "The control and inspection of safety", and E - "The Personal Protection", for which the final values of indicators evaluations amounted to: for the area B - 3.78, for area C - 3.65, and for the area of E - 3.12. The areas of the lowest evaluated was: area A - "Planning activities in the area of safety management" (index value WOPA = 1.85), Area G - "Information of the state of health and safety "(index value WOPG = 2.1) and area H -"Promoting Health and Safety "(index value WOPH = 2,1). Risk assessment carried out by two methods helped define both sources of risk / exposure (method PN-N18002:2000) as well as the type of work activities, during the execution are created the potentially the greatest danger / endangering the health / life of the employee (the method of the Silesian University of Technology). The biggest threat to a person employed as an equipment operator - waste dumps pose a elements of substantive the environment. This situation results from the use of the compactor (vibration, noise, dust) and work on the the area of bottom of the trough, in which the processes of putrefaction (landfill gases, bacterias). Therefore, the occupational risk which was determined by using the PN_N18002:2000 for the above sources of threat has been assessed at high risk. Activities are the most dangerous a riding by a compactor (240 min.) and a segregation of materials (150 min). In both cases we have to deal with a important risk.

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