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Tytuł pozycji:

My – kobieta, pisarka. Metafora kobiecego losu w utworze „Knížka s červeným obalem” Alexandry Berkovej

My – kobieta, pisarka. Metafora kobiecego losu w utworze „Knížka s červeným obalem” Alexandry Berkovej
We – a woman, a writer. The metaphor of a woman’s fate in “Knížka s červeným obalem” by Alexandra Berková
Czaplińska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Alexandra Berková
Knížka s červeným obalem
czeska literatura XX wieku
czeska literatura kobieca
écriture féminine
Czech literature of the 20th century
Czech literature written by women
Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo; 2016, 6(9); 351-364
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The article is an attempt to re-interpret Knížka s červeným obalem by Alexandra Berková which is shown as a text having very strong connotations with works of European literature. The author of the article  indicates many intertextual references that can be found in the Berkova’s text both on the intertexual, as well as hypertextual level (according to Gérarde Genetta’s thypology), which relate to the output of writers such as primarily James Joyce, but also Bohumil Hrabal, Josef Škvorecký or Giacomo Boccacio. Despite previous classification of Knížka s červeným obalem as a short stories cycle, the author proves that the text is a novel that reflects the scheme of a Bildungsroman and a metaphorical picture of women’s experiences, women who live through each stage of their lives and at the same time search for the possibility of expressing themselves in the text of culture. The article discusses also the issue of écriture feminine and the question whether Berkova’s text can be classified as “women’s writing”.

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