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Tytuł pozycji:

Néant et Amour de Nishida

Néant et Amour de Nishida
Nothingness and Love of Nishida
Nakatomi, Kiyokazu
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2020, 4(39); 87-129
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Recently, the philosophy of Nishida has been studied internationally. However, there is not much reflection on the life and existence of Nishida. Even though in Japan there are biographies written by direct disciples and others, they lack consistent philosophical principles. I reveal the existence of Nishida from the point of view of my principle of nothingness and love. Nishida’s pure experi- ence is the intuitive nothingness and the flow of life which extends beyond subject and object. It is consistent with my nothingness as a reality that extends beyond the expression of words. Of course, it corresponds to the biological world view of the Biocosmologique Association. This nothingness continues to infinity, to eternity, to transcendent being and to love. This is what I call the principle of nothingness and love. From here, I consider the life and existence of Nishida based on the biographies of Hisashi Ueda, the grandson of Nishida, and the complete works of Nishida. This focuses primarily on the chronological description, but in some places my consideration overlaps with Aristotle’s life. In her forties, Nishida preferred Hegel but leaned over Aristotle in her fifties. Nishida wrote books “Philosophical Acts I–VII” by reading books of Aristotle. Aristotle became the driving force behind Nishida in his later years. After the death of his sick wife, Nishida’s daily life became awkward and hampered her studies. Nishida encountered nothingness as well as death. However, with the help of his second wife, Koto, he completed his philosophy. Aristotle’s wife also died of illness (nothingness as well as death), but his last wife supported him and gave birth to Nicomachus. It was the work and love of women that supported the two great philosophers.

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