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Zjawisko migracji – rys historyczny

Zjawisko migracji – rys historyczny
Phenomenon of the migration — outline of the history
Głowiak, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
Historia i Polityka; 2012, 8(15); 91-112
CC BY-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Migrations are the phenomenon as old as the history of humanity. For millennia individuals or entire groups are moving in search for the better standard of living, the safety and sheltering from armed conflicts, persecution or natural disasters. The XX age was in this aspect special. He was characterized from one side by two world wars caused by the huge migratory movement, collapse of multinational states, brutal ethnic conflicts, on the other whereas with wave of the economic migration, West Europe directed mainly at richest nations, the USA and Canada. Mass walks cause the long-lasting change of the domicile, i.e. migrations in which human largest groups are participating, even – however rather in exceptional cases – the entire people or them fundamental and usually the most valuable parts. We know at present, that - in practice only a part of the tribe of the nation migrated. On account of „normal” in our climatic conditions and cultural direction of the migration towards the zone of the Mediterranean civilization, the migrating part in general was in favorable terms, if it concerns noticing by world the civilization and letters, and so appears in the historic arena, while the part staying in current registered offices is also in the background of history „, into standing as if of primeval non-existence. Bonds of the blood relationship of many fragments gradually died. A herniation is a typical result of the migration from the visual field of the part not participating in the walk of the tribe.

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