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Tytuł pozycji:

Unia Rynków Kapitałowych – ewolucja czy rewolucja europejskiego modelu rynku kapitałowego?

Unia Rynków Kapitałowych – ewolucja czy rewolucja europejskiego modelu rynku kapitałowego?
Michał, Czykierda,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Capital Markets
Capital Market Union
European Integration
EU Law
Financial Law
rynki kapitałowe
Unia Rynków Kapitałowych
integracja europejska
prawo UE
prawo finansowe
Studia Iuridica; 2018, 76; 153-170
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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In September 2015, the European Commission announced the first actions of its plan to build a Capital Markets Union in Europe. The undertaken restructuring of the financing model is designed to make a shift in the main channel through which enterprises raise investment funds, from loans to capital, and – as a result – contribute to more dynamic growth in the EU Member States. I describe the key features of the Commission’s plan and discuss the economic rationale behind it. The plan has many strengths but also some weaknesses, such as limited ambition in the supervision and enforcement of securities regulations. Other challenges to the development of European capital markets include the financial transactions tax, the low-interest-rate environment, cultural reasons, and potential political opposition. My paper deals first of all with highlighting the structure of the financial sector in the European Union. It provides a overview of the role of the different financial and no financial sectors in offering capital funds to accomplish the needs of households, companies, governments, etc.. I also describe the history of capital market integration in the EU. The paper also analyses some important aspects of the implementation of the Capital Markets Union, which will be a key step in completing the EU Single Market. I concluded that the integration of the capital markets will be a strong step in supporting economic growth and competitiveness in the EU in the long run.

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