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Documents talk: Nato-Russia relations after the Cold War

Documents talk: Nato-Russia relations after the Cold War
Kupiecki, Robert
Tarłowski, Andrzej Tł.
Brzeziński, Jerzy Red.
Data publikacji:
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
Psychologia ogólna
Opis fizyczny:
484 s.
staroangielski (ok. 450-1100)
Spis treści  Link otwiera się w nowym oknie
Dostawca treści:
IBUK Libra
  Przejdź do źródła  Link otwiera się w nowym oknie

(...) regardless of the adopted perspective of an observer or analyst, and optimism/pessimism related to NATO-Russia relations, they will remain a key aspect of international security. This necessitates the search for "source knowledge" and "decoding" numerous stereotypes and simplifications that these relations have overgrown for the last quarter century. One must not forget the calculated and deliberate disinformation that Russia has been practising regarding its relations with the Alliance. It consistently uses the myth of "betrayal of the West", blaming NATO nations for being the primary cause of the current state of NATO-Russia relations. It is not our task in this volume to explain the nature of these problems exhaustively, nor to discuss the structure of modern Russian political mythology. However, the significant dispersion of "first-hand" sources raises the bar of problems confronting researchers of NATO-Russia relations. Therefore, this volume attempts at gathering key open-source documents produced by both sides and arranging them into a representative whole to provide a better understanding of the "big picture" (..). The emerging picture of political thinking and policy justifications offers the power of beating back many stereotypical opinions(...).

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