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Picie alkoholu i zaburzenia związane z piciem alkoholu u polskich studentów – kilka ważnych wyników reprezentatywnych badań

Picie alkoholu i zaburzenia związane z piciem alkoholu u polskich studentów – kilka ważnych wyników reprezentatywnych badań
Alcohol consumption and problems related to alcohol drinking among Polish university students – a few important conclusions from a representative research
Pyżalski, Jacek
Cybal-Michalska, Agnieszka
Walter, Natalia
Marciniak, Mateusz
Jaskulska, Sylwia
Karmolińska-Jagodzik, Ewa
Czerepaniak-Walczak, Maria
Radziewicz-Winnicki, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
zachowania zdrowotne
problemy związane z piciem alkoholu
zachowania ryzykowne
university students
problems related to alcohol drinking
health behaviours
risk behaviours
Pedagogika i edukacja wobec kryzysu zaufania, wspólnotowości i autonomii; 397-412
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Alcohol drinking is often connected to serious long and short term health and social consequences. It is particularly true in the case of young people. One of the groups at risk are university students who are influenced by many psychosocial factors that may support risky alcohol consumption. The article presents selected results of the research project exploring alcohol consumption and problems related to alcohol drinking among students of Polish universities. The representative sample of Polish university students (third year) (N = 4503) took part in the survey covering alcohol drinking and factors such as depression, identity style, health behaviours, social engagement and selected socio-demographical variables. The results confirm a serious prevalence of problems related to alcohol drinking. According to results of AUDIT-C test (measuring risky alcohol drinking) 9% of the sample reach 8 points and more (that is twice the norm for males – 4 points). Those results are confirmed by data obtained through RAPS-4 test. It shows that one in ten student reaches 3 or 4 points (as indicator of risky alcohol drinking). Additionally, a substantial percentage of students experience short term consequences connected to alcohol drinking such as problems with police or being a victim of theft.

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