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Tytuł pozycji:

Training safely, Training safety

Training safely, Training safety
Wu, J.
An, M.
Jin, Y.
Geng, H.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
safety at sea
Training of Crew
Maritime Education and Training (MET)
Training Safety
Maritime Safety Education
Marine Survival
SOLAS Convention
Self Protection
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2014, 8, 3; 423-427
CC BY-NC: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 PL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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It is the basic requirement of maritime safety education to guarantee the safety of teaching operation while training the crew's occupation safety capability. Marine Training Center of Shanghai Maritime University has undertaken the practical teaching of "marine survival" for many years and come up with the whole safety procedures of training. Based on the requirements of SOLAS convention and regulations of STCW over crew training, this paper introduces the safety allocation, utilization and maintenance of teaching equipments. Through the investigation of the safety situation of students' practical operation, the safety teaching method named "four in one" has been put forward, which includes the pre-teaching safety precaution, the whole monitor during the teaching process, the post-teaching summary evaluation, and the reset and standby of teaching facilities. Finally, during the learning and training of "marine survival", crews and students are called on to place priority on personal safety rather than acquisition of knowledge and skills. Only in this way can they be capable of self-protection and protection of others in the career of seafaring.

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