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Tytuł pozycji:

Pomiar wybranych parametrów biomechanicznych w trakcie realizacji

Pomiar wybranych parametrów biomechanicznych w trakcie realizacji
Measurements of selected biomechanical parameters during experimental studies of an implant-bone connection
Zaczyk, M.
Jasińska-Choromańska, D
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
pomiary biomechaniczne
eksperymentalne badania połączenia implant-kość
jakość osadzenia implantu w tkance kostnej
biomechanical measurement
experimental tests implant-bone
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola; 2011, R. 57, nr 6, 6; 575-578
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 Unported
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Praca przedstawia jedną z metod badania osadzenia implantu w tkance kostnej. Opisano metodykę badań, dzięki której możliwa jest ocena jakości osadzenia implantu w tkance kostnej. W badaniach eksperymentalnych nowo poznawanych zjawisk kluczowe staje się odpowiednie dobranie aparatury pomiarowej. Poprawny dobór przyrządów pomiarowych pozwala na jednoznaczny opis badanego zjawiska lub obiektu.

The paper presents one of the methods of testing an implant mounting within the osseous tissue. It describes a methodology of the studies, which makes it possible to evaluate quality of the implant mounting within the osseous tissue. In the case of experimental studies of new phenomena being just investigated, it is crucial to appropriately select the measurement equipment. A correct selection of the measuring instruments allows one to unequivocally describe the studied phenomenon or object. A specific character of biomechanical properties of bones makes it impossible to carry out experiments using universal measuring machines, what results in a necessity of building custom test stations as well as special measure-ment systems based on well-developed measurement applications. As far as the described method of testing is concerned, there can be distinguished the following three stages:- the first, including preparations of the objects for the studies,- the second, including carrying out of measurements using the objects that have been prepared beforehand,- the third, including analytical determination of numerical values of the studied parameters. At the first stage, a minimum of the sample should be prepared, using an osseous tissue taken from a closer shaft of a cow thigh bone. After a pretreatment of the bone, a fragment of the tested mandrel should be mounted within it. The test station for experimental studies of the mandrel mounting within the osseous tissue must ensure a possibility of a real-time recording of the related displacements and load forces. The experiment was repeated many times in order to minimize the scatter of the indications. Basing on the obtained results, mutual correlations of particular data were determined, e.g. displacements of the mandrel within the bone in relation to the applied load. The obtained results make it possible to specify what kind of dynamics of the load applying influences the osseous tissue reaction rate.

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