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Tytuł pozycji:

Pokolenie smombów: charakterystyka i typologia

Pokolenie smombów: charakterystyka i typologia
The smombie generation: characteristics and typology
Motyka, Marek A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Naukowe Przestrzeń Społeczna i Środowisko
mobile devices
behavioural addictions
urządzenia mobilne
uzależnienia behawioralne
Przestrzeń Społeczna; 2018, 1, 1/2018 (15); 169 - 200
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The technological development and growing consumer needs influence both the dynamics of launching new mobile devices with the access to the internet and introducing into common parlance terms describing these devices and activities related to their use. Tablet, iPad, Web Developer, surfowanie and czatowanie are just a few examples of the many neologisms that have been introduced and widely used in the two recent decades. For several years, smartphones with the functions of a portable computer have gained popularity among young consumers. Apart from many advantages, dangerous consequences associated with the uncontrolled use of these devices are being noticed. This article describes the smombie concept introduced into language in 2015. This expression refers to a person preoccupied with their smartphone, participating simultaneously in public life. A characteristic feature of smombies is the loss of contact with their surroundings. The article presents a typology of smombies, differentiating the smartphone users in terms of the threats they may cause in their surroundings. The consequences of these devices misuse is presented on the basis of available sources overview. Smombie is one result of the addiction to phones, caused by the uncritical use of these devices. Smartphone users are usually very young consumers. There is a need for introducing preventive measures.

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