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Piśmienne przejawy Strajku Kobiet w świetle koncepcji wydarzenia piśmiennego Béatrice Fraenkel

Piśmienne przejawy Strajku Kobiet w świetle koncepcji wydarzenia piśmiennego Béatrice Fraenkel
The Written Manifestations of the Women’s Strike in the Light of Béatrice Fraenkel’s Concept of the Writing Event
Ucherek, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
writing event
anthropology of writing
Béatrice Fraenkel
Women’s Strike
humanities of protest
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2021, 12; 207-218
CC BY-SA: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Béatrice Fraenkel proposes her own understanding of the concept of a writing event, in opposition to the approach of New Literacy Studies, which perceives such an event as an element of everyday life, repetitive, routine and not worthy of attention, like reading a bedtime story to a child. The French anthropologist, on the other hand, calls writing events completely different activities: uncommon, subversive acts of performative power, revealing and releasing social energy, the need to contest reality or the desire for expression. According to Fraenkel, such events have a collective and historical meaning; they imply a break with the existing order, a change in the fate of society. As such events, the researcher recognises Zola’s open letter J’accuse, expressions of protest against the occupant appearing on the walls of Warsaw during World War II, especially the Fighting Poland anchor, or altars of remembrance spontaneously built after the attack on the World Trade Center. This is also how the Chilean action “NO+”, analysed by Pedro Araya, can be seen. The aim of the paper is to show in this perspective the written manifestations of the Women’s Strike of autumn 2020 and to examine, from this point of view, the traces it left behind in the urban space and network folklore. The notion of the humanities of protest, proposed by Filip Mazurkiewicz in relation to the protests in Hong Kong, provides the context for the discussion.

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