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Pomiędzy edukacją patchworkową a kombinowaniem. Studenckie strategie radzenia sobie na studiach i ich uwarunkowania

Pomiędzy edukacją patchworkową a kombinowaniem. Studenckie strategie radzenia sobie na studiach i ich uwarunkowania
Pauluk, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
hidden curriculum
student of pedagogy
coping strategies at university
Kultura i Edukacja; 2015, 3(109); 156-175
CC BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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In context of current psychological and pedagogical works, pupils/students are treated as active „players” who are able to deal with unfavorable educational environment effectively. In response to that, they experience in schools or universities every day, they use different strategies of coping with formal and informal requirements. These strategies are one of the dimensions of the so-called hidden curriculum. The purpose of this article is - on the basis of the content’s analysis of the UJ pedagogy student essays - to reconstruct the students strategies of coping in university and its determinants. Studying at the university students gain an informal knowledge that pedagogy is a low social status field of studying, is not particularly forwardlooking, the education they obtain is incomplete. To increase their chances at the labor market, they are taking part in various forms of training, also outside of the university. This spontaneous activity gives them worldly wisdom, sense of agency, personal growth, developing self-confidence and a better future. The attractiveness of the so-called patchwork education weakens their interest in official knowledge and formal education. Students learn many negative coping strategies at the university. Their primary goal is to gain profits - graduation - while minimizing their time and commitment. Strategies used by them survival and „working an angle” are examples of violations of the law, teach instrumental approach to: knowledge, teachers or peers. The results of the research showed that these strategies have demoralizing effect on other students, reducing their motivation and academic ambitions. A number of the strategies referred to in the paper disclose different dimensions of bogus student life and undermine various myths concerning the centuries-old mission of the university.

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