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Using the Erfi function in the problem of the shape optimization of the compressed rod

Using the Erfi function in the problem of the shape optimization of the compressed rod
Marcinowski, J.
Sadowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
pręt ściskany
optymalizacja kształtu
program Mathematica
compressed rod
hollow rod
shape optimization
buckling criterion
analytical approach
Erfi function
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering; 2020, 25, 2; 75-87
CC BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Unported
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The shape of the optimal rod determined in the work meets the condition of mass conservation in relation to the reference rod. At the same time, this rod shows a significant increase in resistance to axial force. In the examples presented, this increase was 80% and 117%, respectively, for rods with slenderness of 125 and 175. A practical benefit from the use of compression rods of the proposed shapes is clearly visible. The example presented in this publication shows how great the utility in the structural mechanics can be, resulting from the applications of complex analysis (complex numbers). This approach to many problems can find its solutions, while they are lacking in the real numbers domains. What is more, although these are operations on complex numbers, these solutions have often their real representations, as the numerical example shows. There are too few applications of complex numbers in the technique and science, therefore it is obvious that the use of complex analysis should have an increasing range. One of the first people to use complex numbers was Girolamo Cardano. Cardano, using complex numbers, was solving cubic equations, unsolvable to his times – as the famous Franciscan and professor of mathematics Luca Pacioli put it in his paper Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalita (1494). It is worth mentioning that history has given Cardano priority in the use of complex numbers, but most probably they were discovered by another professor of mathematics – Scipione del Ferro (cf. [1]). We can see, that already then, they were definitely important (complex numbers).

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