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Tytuł pozycji:

Koncepcja systemu adaptacyjnego zarządzania ryzykiem dostaw w procesach produkcyjnych

Koncepcja systemu adaptacyjnego zarządzania ryzykiem dostaw w procesach produkcyjnych
The concept of adaptive management risks of supply in the production processes
Serafin, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Zarządzania Produkcją
adaptacyjne zarządzanie ryzykiem
proces produkcyjny
łańcuch dostaw
adaptive risk management
supply chain
production processes
Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem; 2013, 16, 3; 46-52
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The analyzed literature points to the important role of risk management in enterprises. ISO 31000:2009 norm “Risk management . Principles and guidelines” could be considered as an evidence. Developed in 2009 and published in polish edition in 2012 (PN-ISO 31000) presents principles and guidelines, which are recommended for the application in order to reduce uncertainty in decision-making, increase the effectiveness of achieving the objectives and improve operations. This paper proposes a new approach to risk managing in supply processes for the repetitive manufacturing, which is based on an adaptive system with iterative risk assessment employing data from the management information system as an essential element. The paper presents the concept of adaptive management system of supply risk, proposes a set of measures to evaluate the effectiveness of delivery supply, and then presents a simple numerical example of risk assessment. In this example are employed two measures of risk assessment: the probability of occurrence and an assessment of the stability of the supply process with using Shewhart control charts. The presented concept also requires the development of methodology for implementation. For this purpose it may serve a specially designed application responsible for collecting information and data needed for risk assessment. It is also possible to use existing enterprise information management systems through its integration with developed IT solution for implementing adaptive management of supply risk. In summary, the concept of the adaptive management of supply risk in manufacturing processes is important for companies, because of the nature of production which is dependent on regularity and timing of delivery, and completeness of supply. This is important and applicable idea both for smaller businesses as well as large, which cover a very wide supply and quantitatively large range. The proposed solution in the article is utilitarian and can bring tangible benefits to companies that implement a system of adaptive management risks of supply.

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