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Tytuł pozycji:

Potencjał rozwoju rynku prosumenta w obliczu polskich uwarunkowań systemowych

Potencjał rozwoju rynku prosumenta w obliczu polskich uwarunkowań systemowych
Potential of the prosumer market development in the context of Polish System Conditions
Gadzialski, D.
Data publikacji:
Krajowy System Elektroenergetyczny
dystrybucja energii
National Power System
distribution of energy
Acta Energetica; 2010, 3; 13-17
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The aim of this paper is to justify the implementation of distributed micro-power generation systems in Poland and present existing system barriers in this field. The paper defines the term and role of a prosumer on the Polish power distribution market and their potential influence on the National Power System. A prosumer is understood as an active power distribution market participant, service provider and co-creator of offers. Their activity chiefly consists in generating energy for own purposes and, if surpluses are achieved, transmitting it to the power grid. The paper describes major obstacles for the distributed microgeneration development in Poland. For the purposes of this publication, the obstacles have been divided into 3 individual topic groups: power and settlement of account, construction and financial. The barriers presented result from lack of proper adaptation of the national legislation and existing practices in the power sector. Removal of barriers for microgeneration development will require extensive qualitative changes in the Polish power industry which should be beneficial for all involved entities, i.e. customers (prosumers), power distribution companies and the state.

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