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Tytuł pozycji:

Rola cystersów mogilskich w zagospodarowaniu terenu dawnego księstwa zatorskiego (XIII-XVII w.)

Rola cystersów mogilskich w zagospodarowaniu terenu dawnego księstwa zatorskiego (XIII-XVII w.)
Estate Cistercian Abbey in Mogiła in Duchy of Zator (second half 13th century - first half of the 17th century)
Baran, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Wadowickie Centrum Kultury im. Marcina Wadowity
Duchy of Zator
Mogiła (village of Mogiła)
Wadoviana. Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny; 2014, 17; 7-39
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The objective of this article was to present assets of Cistercians in Mogiła (village of Mogiła), in the form of four villages, which are located with in the limits Duchy of Zator, second half 13th century the first half of the 17th century. In the first part was presented and spoken all villages, which have Cistersians of the Duchy of Zator. Then the issue patronage Woźniki church in the village. Here was also raised the issue of churches located in other villages monastery in the said principality. In the last part of this article is the property of land monastery in the villages. With the help of tables has been presented the peasant population, the farm steads, live stock, as well as a list of water-mill, distilleries, breweries, inns and the joints. Amount of the population peasant, as well as the number of farm breeding, administration has helped to assess their prosperity and the development of every village, each one individually. In addition, such a way as to provide the information he can compare them. On this basis, it can be concluded, there fore, that the most profitable village in Duchy of Zator were Woźniki. Used source material allowed to display positive parties arising out of the ownership by the monks in the above the village. The stage of development farm steads in this area was closely linked to geographical conditions. It should be stressed here a significant role river Skawa, which created favourable conditions for fitting cistercians water-mills. In addition, monks diminished by development of various sectors of the economy, especially its own. This was to act in the above villages, inns, distillery, brewery or joints. Foster the development of, inter alia, orcharding, horticulture, fisheries. In addition download earliest references from every village collected rent. Villages, which monks previously acquired Duchy of Zator were an integral part of their assets by the end of first half of the seventeenth century.

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