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Tytuł pozycji:

Algorithms for the remote sensing of the Baltic ecosystem (DESAMBEM). Part 2: Empirical validation

Algorithms for the remote sensing of the Baltic ecosystem (DESAMBEM). Part 2: Empirical validation
Darecki, M.
Ficek, D.
Krezel, A.
Ostrowska, M.
Majchrowski, R.
Wozniak, S.B.
Bradtke, K.
Dera, J.
Wozniak, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
light-photosynthesis model
ocean colour
marine ecosystem
empirical validation
primary production
Baltic ecosystem
remote sensing
Oceanologia; 2008, 50, 4; 509-538
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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This paper is the second of two articles on the methodology of the remote sensing of the Baltic ecosystem. In Part 1 the authors presented the set of DESAMBEM algorithms for determining the major parameters of this ecosystem on the basis of satellite data (see Woźniak et al. 2008 – this issue). That article discussed in detail the mathematical apparatus of the algorithms. Part 2 presents the effects of the practical application of the algorithms and their validation, the latter based on satellite maps of selected Baltic ecosystem parameters: the distributions of the sea surface temperature (SST), the Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) at the sea surface, the surface concentrations of chlorophyll a and the total primary production of organic matter. Particular emphasis was laid on analysing the precision of estimates of these and other parameters of the Baltic ecosystem, determined by remote sensing methods. The errors in these estimates turned out to be relatively small; hence, the set of DESAMBEM algorithms should in the future be utilised as the foundation for the effective satellite monitoring of the state and functioning of the Baltic ecosystem.

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