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Metafory pojęciowe związane z domeną „czary” w studiach nad afroamerykańskim folklorem oralnym wybrzeża Georgii lat trzydziestych XX wieku

Metafory pojęciowe związane z domeną „czary” w studiach nad afroamerykańskim folklorem oralnym wybrzeża Georgii lat trzydziestych XX wieku
Conceptual metaphors related to the domain ‘conjuring’ in the studies into Afro-American oral folklore of the coast of Georgia in the 1930s
Binczycka-Gacek, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
mit Flying Africans
domena „czary
Flying Africans myth
African Americans
domain of ‘conjuring’
Studia Etnologiczne i Antropologiczne; 2018, 18; 165-176
CC BY-SA: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The author became interested in the body of the texts analyzed in this article during her research on variants and versions of the Flying Africans myth in 20th century culture and literature. In the US the main folkloric source of this narrative is an account of oral folklore collected in Georgia from African-Americans, published in 1940 as a part of Federal’s Writer’s Project. The book, entitled Drums and Shadows. Survival Studies Among the Georgia Coastal Negroes directed by Mary Granger, contains interviews with people many of whom had been born in slavery. African Americans interviewed in the project speak widely about talismans, spirits, lucky and unlucky omens and actions, as well as other aspects of their culture and folklore, including a significant amount of flight-related narratives. The dialect in the interviews is transcribed phonetically and difficult for a non-English native speaker, nevertheless the concept of ‘conjuring’ grabs the attention of the reader. This short study is an introduction to a broader analysis of the conceptual domain of ‘conjuring’ in the GWP interviews. The author uses the conceptual metaphor theory in order to establish how magic and witchcraft are conceptualized by the Georgia Writer’s Project speakers.

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