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Протестные настроения в России на фоне Европейских государств: анализ кейсов 2017-2019 годов

Протестные настроения в России на фоне Европейских государств: анализ кейсов 2017-2019 годов
R, Ignatovskiy, Yaroslav
G, Mikhailichenko, Dmitriy
G, Ivanov, Vladimir
A, Evdokimov, Nikolai
A, Pushkina,, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
political process in Russia
protest mood
political stability
civil society
Przegląd Europejski; 2020, 1; 199-217
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The last two years of development of the Russian political system were characterised by the protest mood increasing. Social discontent and various forms of political protest have become a noticeable element of social and political life. It is symptomatic that the protest mood develops during electoral campaigns (that predetermined the victory of the opposition in the elections in a number of regions), and also as a result of development and implementation of the current governmental processes. Considering that elections have been held in the majority of Russian regions during 2017-2019, the attention to the protest movement from various political actors will increase. The authors analyze the forms, main actors and technologies of protests, worked out their typology based on case studies. The current protest mood in Russia is compared with the situation in several EU countries (primarily in France, as well as in Portugal, Poland, Serbia and Greece). In conclusion of the article will be presented the forecasts of the socio-political situation development in the Russian Federation.

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