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Tytuł pozycji:

Przydatność hodowlana wybranych odmian topoli w plantacjach energetycznych o krótkim cyklu produkcji

Przydatność hodowlana wybranych odmian topoli w plantacjach energetycznych o krótkim cyklu produkcji
Silvicultural potential of selected poplar cultivars growing on short rotation plantations
Niemczyk, M.
Wojda, T.
Kantorowicz, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
uprawa plantacyjna
plantacje roslin energetycznych
surowce energetyczne
topola sekcji Aigeiros
topola sekcji Tacamahaca
przydatnosc hodowlana
energy plantation
short rotation coppice
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 04; 292-298
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The use of biomass for energy purposes is an important European Union policy. In light of the restrictions concerning the use of the full−value wood from forests for energy purposes, short rotation forestry can become an alternative source of woody biomass. In this context, the most promising species is poplar (Populus spp.), productivity of which depends on various aspects such as plant spacing, cutting cycles, fertilization and cultivar characteristics. The aim of this study was to assess the possibility of cultivation of ten selected poplar clones from the section Aigeiros and Tacamahaca in short−rotation coppice in the climatic conditions of Poland. An experiment was set up in the north−eastern part of Poland in the Wichrowo Forest District. Survival, tree stocking, and biomass yield were compared. Productivity of clones was examined in five−year cutting cycle. The highest dry biomass yield (7.8 t/ha/yr) was achieved by the clone 'Hybrida 275'. In contrary, the biomass yield of the worst clone ('AF−8') amounted to 2 t/ha/yr. Some other Italian clones, such as 'AF−6' and 'MON' were not able to adapt to the local conditions at all and were excluded from the experiment. Because of the need to implement the full economic analysis of short rotation poplar plantations, it would be important to study propagation ability of certain currently studied varieties of poplar in subsequent rotations and with different production cycle period length up to the end of biomass production on a given plantation. Resistance to diseases of energy poplar plantations should also be researched.

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